static mirroring
The static mirroring system mirrors components, i.e. directory trees from their individual source hosts via static-master hosts to the static-mirrors.
The static-master can be configured per source. The mirrors are the same set for all components.
Adding a new static component
Using already configured source and master hosts.
- Pick a component name, e.g.,
- Pick/Learn source host, pick a master, and add to dsa-puppet/modules/staticsync/data/common.yaml: master: source:
- Give sudo to run the right static-update-component to the appropriate group:
/usr/sbin/visudo -f dsa-puppet/modules/profile/templates/sudo/dsa-main
and add something like
lucas dillon=(staticsync) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/static-update-component
- Add the vhost config on mirrors:
- vi dsa-puppet/modules/roles/templates/static-mirroring/vhost/static-vhosts-simple.erb
and add
vhost(lines, "" , :ssl => true
andonion::service { '' : ensure => 'ifstatic', port => 80, target_port => 80, target_address => $onion_addr }
- In dsa-puppet/modules/roles/manifests/static_mirror_web.pp, add:
ssl::service { '' : ensure => 'ifstatic', notify => Exec['service apache2 reload'], key => true, }
- run puppet on the master, the source, and all the mirrors. Check dsa-puppet/data/nodes/*.yaml.
Adding a mirror
Note: This will probably temporarily break apache on the new mirror host.
- Add roles::static_mirror_web to the classes stanza in data/nodes/$HOSTNAME.yaml.
- Add staticsync::static_mirror::get_triggered: false to data/nodes/$HOSTNAME.yaml.
- Add staticsync group to host's allowedGroups attribute in ldap.
- Run puppet twice on new static mirror once staticsync exists.
- Run puppet on static masters.
- Run the staticsync command from /etc/cron.d/puppet-crontab on the mirror.
- Make sure apache works on the mirror. This might require deploying SSL keys, although that's likely handled by puppet.
- Remove staticsync::static_mirror::get_triggered: false from data/nodes/$HOSTNAME.yaml.
- Run puppet on new static mirror.
- Run puppet on static masters.
- Add mirror to rotation in auto-dns.