Puppet infrastructure
handel.debian.org is our current puppetmaster.
To set up a new host to be a puppet client:
Make sure you have set up the IP address for the new machine in ud-ldap. After that run puppet on puppetmaster once, so the ferm config gets adjusted.
: __handel__ && puppet agent --no-daemonize --onetime --environment=production
: ::client:: && me=$(hostname -f) && [ "$me" != "${me%debian.org}" ] && apt-get update &&
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends puppet ruby-augeas augeas-lenses lsb-release &&
service puppet stop &&
(puppet agent -t || true ) &&
cd /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests &&
echo sha256sum output: && echo &&
sha256sum $me.pem &&
echo && echo && cd /
This will not overwrite anything yet, since handel has not signed the client cert. Now is the time to abort if you are getting cold feet.
To renew the certificate for an existing host:
If the host is the puppetmaster, see the separate section below
: ::client:: &&
puppet agent --disable &&
mv /var/lib/puppet/ssl{,.bak}
: __handel__ &&
puppet node clean $HOST
: ::client:: &&
me=$(hostname -f) && [ "$me" != "${me%debian.org}" ] &&
(puppet agent -t || true) &&
cd /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests &&
echo sha256sum output: && echo &&
sha256sum $me.pem &&
echo && echo && cd /
Note that you may have to repeat the final client block, if the initial attempt results in:
Error: Could not request certificate: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: can't modify frozen String: ""
In both cases:
Compare incoming csr request: on handel, paste the sha256output::
: __handel__ &&
ud-replicate && sudo -u puppet make -C /srv/puppet.debian.org/ca/ install &&
echo "paste sha256sum output now:" &&
read sha256 filename &&
cd /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests &&
( [ -e $filename ] || (echo "$filename does not exist."; exit 1) ) &&
echo -e "$sha256 $filename" | sha256sum -c &&
puppet ca sign $(basename "$filename" .pem) &&
echo && echo && echo &&
echo 'cat > /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem << EOF ' &&
cat /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem &&
echo 'EOF' &&
echo "cat > /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/$filename << EOF " &&
cat /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/$filename &&
echo 'EOF' &&
cd / &&
echo 'puppet agent --enable' &&
echo 'puppet agent -t --pluginsync' &&
echo 'puppet agent -t --pluginsync'
and execute this on the client.
: ::client:: copy paste the thing you just created on handel
If this is a busy mail host, you might want to stop exim before proceeding although the config files should remain identical before and after.
Try this once if you're nervous:
: ::client:: && puppet agent -t --pluginsync --noop
It will tell you what would have changed without actually doing it.
Then run (this will change the configs in /etc):
: ::client:: && puppet agent -t --pluginsync
This run will start puppet after reconfiguring it, so if you are unhappy with what just happened, you'll need to stop it again to do repair.
Double check apt - the puppet setup usually results in duplicate apt sources, since we ship a few under sources.list.d. Remove any unnecessary entries from sources.list.
On handel, make sure the certs exist for the new host
We ship a samhain config file that includes /lib and /usr/lib. This will almost certainly be different than the config file on the machine, so it will result in 1000s of files changed. You may need to run samhain update after getting puppet going.
The puppet repository is public, but we sometimes need to keep passwords in puppet. There are many ways to do this - hiera-gpg, ENC, etc. We've settled on a fairly simple one. Log into handel, create a new manifest in the relevant module (call it something like "params.pp"). You can add passwords to this file. To stop git complaining on push, make sure you update .gitignore for the new file. Now you can import this file where you need passwords and use them.
Renewing the certificate for the puppetmaster
The puppetmaster's certificate needs to be generated in the correct way so that it is also usable for connections to puppet.d.o rather than the machine's hostname. As the same certificate is used both for local puppet runs and by the puppetmaster service, the services must be restarted after updating the certificate, or clients will fail to connect due to the service continuing to serve the old (now revoked) certificate. The simplest solution is to reboot the puppetmaster server after regenerating its certificate.
: __handel__ &&
puppet cert clean handel.debian.org &&
puppet cert generate handel.debian.org --dns_alt_names=handel.debian.org,puppet.debian.org,puppet &&