how to lock an account in ud-ldap


Per Section 3 of the relating to, a user is required to submit an RT ticket when retiring from Debian.

Initially, the RT ticket will be assigned to a Debian Keyring Maintainer (DKM). The DKM will remove the user's GPG key from Debian's Keyring.

Subsequently, the RT ticket will be assigned to a Debian System Administrator (DSA) so that Debian's LDAP may be updated.

This HOWTO documents DSA's actions relating to such tickets.


Step 1: On the LDAP master (, execute ud-lock, specifying the RT ticket number and the username.

For emeritus developers:

	you@home~$ ssh
	you@draghi~$ ud-lock -r <rt#> <username>

For MIA or otherwise inactive developers:

	you@home~$ ssh
	you@draghi~$ ud-lock -r <rt#> -s inactive <username>

Step 2: Resolve the RT ticket.

Note that ud-ldap may remove the user's SSH key from systems after the account has been locked, leading to samhain notifications relating to /var/lib/misc/userkeys on affected hosts.